

Best Answer

There are several options, for example:

problem solving

critical thinking

deductive reasoning

process of elimination

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Q: What is the word for A type of thinking one does to reach decisions and solve problems?
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How do you solve problems in education?

this is a broad question. so i will give a broad answer. education is the acquisition of knowledge. to solve problems you must use your critical thinking skills. to enhance these skills keep practicing and solve more problems. eventually you will have a critical style of thinking and can solve many problems that arise in education.

How can you solve your problems easily?

Well, you can solve your problems easily by asking friends or family, or thinking through how you can. Maybe ask teachers or therapist.

A process that uses certain skills to solve problems?

critical thinking

What is the process that uses certain skills to solve problems?

critical thinking

Is cognition the same as thinking?

Cognition is a broad term that encompasses a range of mental processes, including thinking. Thinking refers specifically to the process of using mental resources to process information, make decisions, and solve problems. While thinking is a component of cognition, cognition also includes perception, memory, and attention.

How old Most children can understand abstract symbols and solve complex problems by the time they are?

According to Piget abstract thinking begins at or around age 15. Some people are sooner while others never reach abstract thinking stages.

How do business women solve problems?

This usually depends on how the businesswoman think or the strategies that she uses in her business. Her decisions about solutions to the problems that she faces depends on the problem too and the approach that she chooses to choose problems. It is safe to say that she will do justice to solve the problems.

How does Ancient Egyptians solve their problems using knowledge?

they solved their promblems by thinking about it and testing.

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You get empathy from your mind by thinking how to solve or stop releasing problems and turn them into happiness

Explain why the scientific method is said to involve critical thinking?

It is said to involve critical thinking because it is used to solve scientific problems..

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What is cooperative thinking?

Cooperative thinking is an approach that involves working together with others to solve problems, make decisions, or achieve common goals. It involves listening to different perspectives, communicating effectively, and leveraging each person's strengths to find solutions that benefit the group as a whole. This type of thinking promotes collaboration, empathy, and mutual respect among team members.