Go to the Ruger Website. Under customer service, select historical data, the type of gun, the model, and check the table for serial number range data.
3153600 (or 31622400 in a leap year)
Number of seconds in a week (60x60x24x7) = 604,800 sec. per week Number of minutes in a year (60x24x365) =525,600 min. per year Therefore the answer should be 'Yes'
2/25 of a year
Use 365 days for the number of days in a year
100*365*24*60*60 = 3153600000 secondsnumber of years*number of days in a year*number of hours in a day*number of minutes in an hour*number of seconds in a minute= the number of seconds in 100 yearsRead more: How_many_seconds_is_in_100_years
Call Ruger and they will tell you.
You rifle appears to have been manufactured in 1983.
A call to Ruger will get you the information you want. If their web site is up (I can't access it right now) they have extensive sn data posted.
Ruger's web site has sn data for all it's firearms.
Ruger has extensive serial number information on their web site.
1960 according to the Ruger website.
Go to the Ruger website, customer service, historical data, revolver, find your model, and there is a serial number/ year of production list.With the serial number that you provided,your ruger single six was made by ruger in 1982.
Ruger's web site has sn data.
Ruger's web site has sn data.
Ruger website, customer service, historical data- year of production will be there by serial number.
Your Ruger model 77 dates to the year 1983 with the serial number that you have provided.
Ruger's website has sn tables that will answer your question.