The word form of 40,023,032 is: Forty million, twenty-three thousand, thirty-two.
Forty million, twenty-three thousand, thirty-two
thirty-six million, twenty-five thousand, one hundred three.
Three percent of 14 million is 420,000. Four hundred twenty thousand
Twenty-four million three thousand thirty-four is written 24,003,034
The word form of 40,023,032 is: Forty million, twenty-three thousand, thirty-two.
forty million, twenty-three thousand, and thirty-two
If you had not asked, I would have had no reason to writea number in word-form.But since you did, it's" Forty million twenty-three thousand thirty-two ".
twenty percent of thirty three dollars = $6.6 20% of $33 = 20% * $33 = 0.2 * $33 = $6.6
Three percent of seven hundred thousand is twenty-one thousand.
Seven thousand, four hundred thirty and twenty-five hundredths.
Twenty Third r u an idiot