two hundred and sixty eight million, four hundred and thirty five thousand, four hundred and fifty six
two hundred and sixty eight million, four hundred and thirty five thousand, four hundred and fifty six.
Just like this:"this number in word form"
3000000000:Word form: Three billionStandard (number) notation: 3,000,000,000
The word 'multiple' is a noun as well as an adjective. The noun multiple is a singular, common noun; a word for a number that can be divided by another number with no remainder. A number is a thing.
Crystal Systems is the word for "observe number and angle of crystal faces."
The number 20 is written as: twenty.Twenty.
Yes, the word 'number' is a noun, a word for a thing.
The the word number in Russian is номер.
The number word for the number 6 is "six".
The ordinal word is sixtieth. There is no ordinal number.
Such that doubling a number means to multiply it by two, the word for multiplying a number by seven is septupling a number - septem being the Latin word for the number 7.
Zwei is the German word for the number two.
"mass number" is not "the/a" word, it is two words.
"atomic number" is not "the/a" word, it is two words.
penis is the number one word said
The word for the number 100,000 is "one hundred thousand".
you simply just write the number as a word
It's a word. It is not a number because you can't count to it.