First, both the fractions need a common denominator. The least common multiple of 4 and 3 is 12. Now multiple each fraction by the value required to have a denominator of 12. In this case, we are going to multiply 3/4 by 3/3 and 1/3 by 4/4.
Now we have 9/12 - 4/12.
The final answer is 5/12, which cannot be simplified.
Easy you have to convert them so they have the same denominator so in reality multiply the bottom
4x3 = 12
then you get both the top numbers and multiply them by what there denominator was multiplied by so
it would be 9/12 and 4/12
9/12 minus 4/12 equals 5/12
One third is three ninths. So one ninth minus three ninths is minus two nights.
what is 1 and 1 fourth minus 3 eighth
Three fourths minus five tenths is one fourth.
Find the common denominator then make it into improper faction and subtract
Six twelves is 72. 72 minus three fourths is 71 and one fourth. If you meant six twelfths minus three fourths, the answer is minus one fourth.
Three eighths minus one fourth is one eighth.
One third is three ninths. So one ninth minus three ninths is minus two nights.
the answer is one and one fourth
three and one fourth
Eight and three fourths minus by two and one fourth equals six and one fourths (6.5).
Three fourths minus three sixths equals one fourth
what is 1 and 1 fourth minus 3 eighth
3.25 - 2 = 1.25 (One and one fourth.)