To multiply fractions multiply the numerators together and multiply the denominators together and simplify the result:
3/7 × 4/9 = (3×4)/(7×9) = 12/63 = 4/21
The answer is sixty three.
Three thousand seven hundred four and twenty nine
twenty-seven 27
Four hundred twenty-three billion ninety million seven hundred nine thousand.
Two twenty-seven times or twenty-seven twice, three eighteen times or eighteen thrice, and six nine times or nine six times.
Forty-seven times eighty-nine is four thousand one hundred eighty-three. In numbers, that's 47x89=4,183.
Three hundred and four million, nine hundred and eighty four thousand, seven hundred and thirty four. Or if you meant to have commas between the numbers, three, zero, four, nine, eight, four, seven, three and four.
The answer is sixty three.
Three thousand seven hundred four and twenty nine
Three hundred four million, nine hundred sixty-seven thousand
twenty-seven 27
Three hundred four million nine hundred sixty-seven thousand.
Nine zero five- three seven four - four five seven zero
35,476 ;)