An equivalent fraction to 3/4, using 64 as the denominator of the fraction, is 48/64, or forty-eight sixty-fourths.
Sixty-three thousandths
Three fourths is three quarters One half is two quarters. Three quarters is greater than two quarters.
1 1/2
Just 3/4 times sixty =45
It is: 3/4 of 64 = 48
It is: 3/4 of 64 = 48
3/4 of 64 = 48
It is: 3/4 of 64 = 48
3/4 * 64 = 48
An equivalent fraction to 3/4, using 64 as the denominator of the fraction, is 48/64, or forty-eight sixty-fourths.
2 quarters, 2 nickels, 3 pennies
You can say it as either "three sixty," "three hundred and sixty," or "three hundred sixty."
Sixty-three thousandths