first you have to divide the numerator by the denominaor and then move the decimal to the right 2 places to get a percent
Three sevenths is .4286, one third is .3333, three sevenths is larger.
5/7 ; five sevenths
Ten sevenths or one and three sevenths
five seventh
42.9% is the percent of 3/7.
Three sevenths is .4286, one third is .3333, three sevenths is larger.
The quotient of three sevenths is 3/7
The fraction of three sevenths is 3/7.
5/7 ; five sevenths
one and five sevenths
350 is three and a half (or seven over two) times 100 so to get 100% you take two sevenths of 58 and get 16.57 (sixteen and four sevenths)
Ten sevenths or one and three sevenths
Answer: four-sevenths. One minus three-sevenths is four sevenths
five seventh
The answer to this question is three and 4 ones.