There is no such thing a a trapizium.
A trapezium is a quadrilateral: that is a plane figure that is bounded by four straight sides. Two of these sides are parallel but of different lengths. (If they were of the same length then the shape would become a parallelogram.)
use mental math
Finding the properties of 8x51 is easy. The properties of 8x51 is 408.
504 properties of math yeah that's alot
explain why a square i always symetric
another word for explain is justify.
An isoceles trapizium has to have 2 sides the same and the other 2 different, whereas a trapizium is normal.
A trapezium has 4 sides because its a quadrilateral polygon.
Yes, and its 4 interior angles add up to 360 degrees
I t would have to be a irregular trapizium ahhh dreamy I luv trapiziumsA.S
rectangle,kite,trapizium and a sqare
Explain the addition and multiplication properties of inequalities