Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 2 3/8 - 3/4 = 1 5/8 or one and five eighths. Expressed as a decimal, this is equal to 1.625.
two fourths equals one half two eighths equals one quarter one half plus one quarter is three quarters. Or, two fourths equals four eighths four eighths plus two eighths equals six eighths six eighths equals three quarters.
two and 1/4
1/4, 3/8, 2/3
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 3/8, or three eighths, is equal to 0.375.Expressed as a decimal fraction, 2/3, or two thirds, is equal to 0.6 recurring.2/3 is seven twenty-fourths bigger than three eighths.
3/4 / 2 = 3/8 or three eighths.
Seventeen eighths or two and an eighth.
Four minus two and three-eighths equals one and five-eighths.
Three fourths, two fourths, three fourths.
two fourths equals one half two eighths equals one quarter one half plus one quarter is three quarters. Or, two fourths equals four eighths four eighths plus two eighths equals six eighths six eighths equals three quarters.
The answers is: 7 and 1/8 minus 2 and 3/4 = 4 and 3/8
Two and three-eighths
(five and two thirds) minus (two and three fourths) = 2.91666667
why who are you
Yes. Three fourths is three times the size of two eighths.
Eight and three fourths minus by two and one fourth equals six and one fourths (6.5).