Oh honey, that's an easy one. Two sixths plus one sixth equals three sixths. And if you want to simplify it, three sixths is the same as one half. So there you have it, simple math for a simple question.
well three-sixth-two-sixth is one-sixth
one third is equivalent to two sixths two sixths take away one sixth is one sixth
one half = 1/2 = 3/6 two sixth = 2/6 (3+2)/6 = 5/6 Answer is five sixths.
First convert the values into common denominated fractions, giving you four sixths and three sixths. The total is seven sixths, which is one and one sixth.
negative one sixth (-1/6 or -0.1666666)
well three-sixth-two-sixth is one-sixth
5 sixths
one third is equivalent to two sixths two sixths take away one sixth is one sixth
seven sixths so 1whole and a sixth
Well, isn't that a happy little math question! When you add one-third and one-sixth together, you can simplify it by finding a common denominator, which is six. So, one-third is equal to two-sixths. When you add two-sixths and one-sixth together, you get three-sixths, which simplifies to one-half. Isn't that just lovely?
Yes. One sixth is one half of one third to be exact. Two-sixths are equal to one-third, three-sixths is a half, four-sixths is two-thirds, five-sixths is exactly what it is, and six-sixths is a whole.
five sixths you change 2/3 to 4/6 then add
One sixth.
Three-sixths minus two-sixths is one-sixth.
one half = 1/2 = 3/6 two sixth = 2/6 (3+2)/6 = 5/6 Answer is five sixths.
First convert the values into common denominated fractions, giving you four sixths and three sixths. The total is seven sixths, which is one and one sixth.
2 5/6 or 17/6