Yes - it is.1 Gallon (US, Liquid) = 3,785.411784 Milliliters1 Gallon (US, Dry) = 4404.8838 Milliliters1 Gallon (UK) = 4546.09 MillilitersSo no matter which kind of gallon you are talking about, a gallon is much larger than a milliliter.
1 US gallon is about 3.8 L
3.7854 litres to a gallon us
A gallon of wine by definition is the same as 1 US fluid gallon (unlike a gallon of beer, which, is larger).So: One Fifth of Wine = 1/5 Gallon (US Fluid) = 757.082357mL
(three eighths) of (1 US gallon) = 1.41952942 liters
The Canadian quart is equal to 40 ounces and the American quart is equal to 32 ounces. There are four Canadian quarts in a Canadian gallon and there are four US quarts in the US gallon. However there are exacly five US quarts in a Canadian gallon.
Assuming the US ounce and Canadian ounce are the same which I believe they are, there would be 40 ounces in a Canadian quart. 32 ounces in a US quart. 20 ounces in a Canadian pint, 16 in US. 10 ounces in a Canadian cup and 8 in US. If you are reading a Canadian receipt chances are it's in US measurement's as Canadians are so Americanised they don't even know the Canadian measurement's themselves.
The Imperial gallon, which is used in Canada, is about 277.42 cubic inches. In contrast. the US gallon is 231 cubic inches.351 miles/21 US gallons * 1 US gallon/231 cubic inches * 277.42 cubic inches/Canadian gallon = 20.07 miles per Canadian Gallon
4 quarts are in a gallon
A cubic meter is 1000 liters.A Canadian gallon is 4.535 liters, so 1000/4.535 is 220.507 gallons.For the American part. An American gallon is 3.786 liters, so 1000/3.786 is 264.131 gallons.
U.S. gallons are different from imperial gallons. 1 Imperial gallon is equal to 4.54609188 litres and 1 US gallon is equal to 3.78541178 litres. Liters on the other hand are the same everywhere. One liter equals 0.26 U.S. gallon or 0.219 Imperial gallon.
That is approximately 1/4 of a Canadian gallon in 1 litre
One US gallon is 3.8 liters. Liters are used not only in Canada, also in Europe, Australia, and just about everywhere except the US! Liters are the same everywhere in fact, and one liter is 1000 cubic centimeters, or the volume of 1 kg of water.
One Canadian gallon equates to 4.54609 liters.
!6 cups in an Imperial gallon
A litre is an International standard measure: it is the same in Canada as it is anywhere in the world. That is unlike a gallon where some countries use an Imperial gallon and then there is the US gallon.10 US gallon = 44.09 litres.
Hell at US$ 1.75 a gallon..who cares we pay US$ 8.19 a gallon