Grades are based on how many answers you get right, not how many you answer!
Missed 5 questions out of 25 questions what is your grade? 📷Answer
That would be 85% (30 divided by 35) which is normally a grade of B. If you only missed 3, you would have an A-.
Your score on the test is 87.5% . It's up to the teacherwhat letter-grade to award for that score.
Even if you assume the questions are all worth the same number of marks, the answer may well depend on the grade boundaries.
Missed 5 questions out of 25 questions what is your grade? 📷Answer
That would be 85% (30 divided by 35) which is normally a grade of B. If you only missed 3, you would have an A-.
A "B" or "B-"
Your score on the test is 87.5% . It's up to the teacherwhat letter-grade to award for that score.
If you missed five, your total right would be 9/14. To find your percentage, divide 9 by 14 to get .642... Then multiply this by 100 to get your grade, which is a 64%.
Even if you assume the questions are all worth the same number of marks, the answer may well depend on the grade boundaries.
You are in the C-D range. If you had missed 7 out of 15 that would be a solid D. You can do better I don't know you but I know you can do better.
12/60= 1/5
If there are 20 questions then each question is worth 5 points because 100 total points divided by 20 equals 5.If you missed 8 questions then 8 times 5 points equals 40 points wrong, so you have to subtract that from 100 to get a grade of 60. Study harder next time.
44-5 = 39 correct make a porportion ? % 39=X ____ 44=100 cross multiply and solve 44x= 3900 ________ 44........44 x= 88.636...%
25 Questions