There are one hundred zeros in a googolplex. This is the largest number in the entire world with a name.
An infinite number of zeros is in infinity, so one specific number is not possible.
There are an infinite number of zeros in infinity.
Some say a googol is 1 followed by 99 zeros & some say it has 100 zeros. I think it's 100. A dotrigintillion is 1 followed by 99 zeros.
Binary System
There are one hundred zeros in a googolplex. This is the largest number in the entire world with a name.
An infinite number of zeros is in infinity, so one specific number is not possible.
There are an infinite number of zeros in infinity.
Some say a googol is 1 followed by 99 zeros & some say it has 100 zeros. I think it's 100. A dotrigintillion is 1 followed by 99 zeros.
Undecillion vigontillion
A googol. An alternative spelling is google, which is where the search engine got its name from.The original definition of googol was: write 1 and then write zeros until you get tired, but it became standardised at 100 zeros aftert the 1.A googolplex is 1 followed by googol many zeros
An octillion.
Zero, as the name suggests
a google
A Pimpindong