I'm guessing it would be a rectangular prism, whether it's open or closed.
Picture it as a rectangle when looking at it from the from, then angle it slightly so you can see it has depth. Rectangular prism :)
Many 3d shapes have a corner.
A 12 sided 3D shape is a dodecahedron.
A tridekahedron is a 3D 30 sided shape.
I'm not certain, but i believe it would be a nonadecanonahedrinnonadaca- is 19decanona- is 90hedrin- is a 3d figure
only if it is in a certain shape, although the 3d shape would not look exactly like the 2d one, take this, if a square were to be turned into a square, it would have to be extended, but if you were to do this it would just stay as a 2d square, in a 3d world, but if it were a net (like the t cube) then yes, it would be able to become 3d
A Sphere
A cuboid would fit the given description
I think its a rectangular prism
The 3d shape that have five faces would be a triangular prism **************** or a pyramid
if it a 2D shape it would be a circle,but if it is a 3D shape it would be a sphere
It depends on the 3d shape.
It is not a 3D shape.
Well it depends on what kind of 3d shape it is. There is a formula to find the volume of each 3d shape. The main formula for volume is Bxh. (Big B multiplied by the height.) Bxh means the area of the base times the height.
Cuboid would be an example.
A camera is a 3D shape. A photograph is a 2D projection of a 3D shape onto a 2D shape.
a pyramid is a 3D shape :)
what 3d shape is a tyre