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the number is spelled pi, not pie. Pie is a food, pi is different.

Pi is an irrational number (number which doesn't end) which is the ratio to the circumference o f a circle to its diameter.
Some beginning numbers of pi are: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510...and so on

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Is pie a kind of coconut?

No, that is not the definition of the word, "pie". However, there is a kind of pie called "coconut pie".

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The worst kind of pie has to be mud pie. Your opinion may vary.

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pumpkin pie and sometimes apple pie.

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They would be a Blueberry flavored pie.

What kind of pie do Americans prefer?

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pi [not pie] is an irrational number.

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Some do some don't it depends on what kind of pie.

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Dividing the pie among friends would require a division operation or splitting it equally among the group.