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75% or C

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Q: What letter grade is 15 out of 20?
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What grade is 15 out of 20?

15 out of 20 would be grade of 75 percent.

What grade can I get if I get 15 out of 20?

75% or C

What letter grade is 20 of 50?


What letter grade do you get for 15 out of 25?

60% or D-

What letter grade would I get if I got 18 out of 20 points?

As a percentage 18 out of 20 is 90%

What is a 15 out of 18 on a test?

15/18 is 83%, which is typically a B-minus on a letter-grade scale.

What is the letter grade equivalent for 17 out of 20 Questions correct.?

85% or B

What letter grade is 20 percent of a 77?

Multiply 77 by .2 and subtract the product from 77 and you have 20% of 77.

What is the significance of achieving a 9.5/15 letter grade in academic performance?

Achieving a 9.5/15 letter grade in academic performance signifies that a student has performed at an above-average level, demonstrating a solid understanding of the material. While not perfect, this grade indicates competency and a good grasp of the subject matter.

What is your grade if you get a 20 out of 24?

Your score is 831/3 percent.Your letter grade is whatever grade the teacher of that particular classdecides to award for that particular score on that particular test. It's notnecessarily always the same grade.

What letter grade does a 2.0 GPA convert to?

Whole letter grade is C. Full letter grade is C-.

If you have an f in a class and you get a 75 on a test what will it bring your grade up to?

To calculate your new grade after receiving a 75 on a test, you need to know the weight of the test in relation to your overall grade. Let's assume the test is worth 20% of your total grade. You would calculate the impact of the test by finding 20% of 75, which is 15. Adding 15 points to your current grade would depend on the weight of the test and the rest of your grades in the class.