26/40 = 0.65 = 65% typically this is a C or D unless test is scaled or put on a curve
If every question is worth the same credit, then 26 correct out of 40 is a score of 65 percent. The letter-grade is whatever the teacher decides 65% on that test is. I'm afraid there aren't many situations where 65% gets a passing grade.
the answer is a A
it is about a C grade
Your score on the test is 87.5% . It's up to the teacherwhat letter-grade to award for that score.
its 90%
If every question is worth the same credit, then 26 correct out of 40 is a score of 65 percent. The letter-grade is whatever the teacher decides 65% on that test is. I'm afraid there aren't many situations where 65% gets a passing grade.
67% or D+
the answer is a A
it is about a C grade
The score is 74%. The grade letter will depend on the grade boundary.
40 (F)
5-40 or 0-40 full synteric first letter cold start second letter running grade at 212. F
Your score on the test is 87.5% . It's up to the teacherwhat letter-grade to award for that score.
40 out of 50 is 80%. The grade which this represents will depend on grade boundaries which, in turn, will depend on the standardising procedure.
26/40 = 26 divided by 40 = 0.65
40 x 26 = 1,040