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The letter C represents 100

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Q: What letter represents 100?
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What letter represents 100 and 1000?

As in Roman numerals: 100 = C and 1000 = M

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The Roman numeral 107 is written as CVII. The letter C represents 100, the letter V represents 5, and the letter I represents 1. Therefore, when you combine them, you get 100 + 5 + 1 = 107.

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The letter M represents 1000 and C represents 100. This would be 1900, a thousand plus a thousand minus 100.

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154 in Roman numerals is CLIV. The letter C represents 100, L represents 50, and IV represents 4.

A symbol usally a letter that represents one or more numbers?

k= 1000, C = 100.

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The letter C represents 100 and D is used for 500. The conversion would be DCCXXI.

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The letter C represents 100 and the X is for ten. The correct conversion would be 138.

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The letter C represents 100 and D is used for 500. The conversion would be DCCCXCVIII.

What is a letter that represents a number?

A letter that represents a number is called a variable.

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The letter C represents 100 and D is used for 500. The conversion would be DCXCVII.

What is roman numeral for 92?

The letter C represents 100. So you would show ten less than 100 and two. The correct nomenclature would be XCII.

How do you write 90 in roman form?

In Roman numerals, 90 is represented as "XC". The letter X represents the value 10, and C represents the value 100. To represent 90, we subtract 10 from 100, which gives us XC.