Multiply the numerator of the fraction by 100 and then divide (using long division if needed or a calculator) by the denominator.
No. A ratio is calculated using division but they are not the same thing.
(45 * 100)/100 (I think, I could be wrong though)
5/100 = .052/100 = .02You can just divide it using long division or a calculator to get the conversion.
100/4 is a division problem. 100(4) is a multiplication problem.
Multiply the numerator of the fraction by 100 and then divide (using long division if needed or a calculator) by the denominator.
You can on a regular calculator using the multiplication and division functions. Say the problem is what is 1/2 of 100? First you multiply the numerator (1) by 100. The answer is 100. Now divide 100 by denominator (2). The answer is 50.
2 | 100 2 | 50 5 | 25 5 | 5 . | 1 100 = 2 x 2 x 5 x 5
0.0025 can be found using division by dividing 25 by 10000.
It is: 3000/30 = 100
You cannot get 0 using only those numbers and division.