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A Platonic solid is a solid all of whose face are regular and congruent polygons.

There are five of these:

A Tetrahedron. Four faces, each an equilateral triangle.

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A Hexahedron (Cube). Six faces, each a square.

An Octahedron. Eight faces, each an equilateral triangle.

A Dodecahedron. Twelve faces, each a regular pentagon.

An Icosahedron. Twenty faces, each an equilateral triangle.

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Q: What makes a solid a regular platonic solid?
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Is a cylinder a platonic solid?

No. All the faces of a Platonic solid are identical regular polygons.

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The faces of Platonic solids are regular polygons...

Is a cone a Platonic solid?

No, a cone is not a Platonic solid. The Platonic solids are the five regular polyhedra: tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron.

What is the definition of a platonic solid?

From Wikipedia:A Platonic solid is a convex polyhedron that is regular, in the sense of a regular polygon. Specifically, the faces of a Platonic solid are congruent regular polygons, with the same number of faces meeting at each vertex. Moreover, all its edges are congruent, as are its vertices and angles.

Another name for a regular polyhedron is?

A Platonic solid?

What does each platonic solid represent?

Platonic solids are 3D shapes formed using only regular shapes. Only 1 type of regular shape is used to make a platonic solid. Platonic solids are the simplest and purest form of 3D shapes.

Meaning of each platonic solid?

There are 5 platonic solids which are the only 5 regular polyhedra (possible).Plato attributed 4 of them to the 4 elements:Fire ≡ TetrahedronEarth ≡ CubeAir ≡ OctahedronWater ≡ IcosahedronAristotle added the fifth element "Ether" saying the heavens were made of it; he did not associate the fifth platonic solid, the Dodecahedron, to it.

Platonic solid has eight faces that are equilateral triangles?

It is a regular octahedron.

Why isn't a cubeoid a platonic solid?

Quite simply, it doesn't fulfill the requirements for a "platonic solid", which include the requirement that all bounding areas must be regular polygons. A square is a regular polygon; a rectangle is not.

What are examples of platonic solids?

A Platonic solid is a convex polyhedron that is regular, in the sense of a regular polygon. Specifically, the faces of a Platonic solid are congruent regular polygons, with the same number of faces meeting at each vertex. They have the unique property that the faces, edges and angles of each solid are all congruent. Some examples are bricks, a dice, tissue boxes and houses.

What do you call a polyhedron with faces that are all congruent regular polygons?

Its a platonic solid :)

More about plantonic solids?

do you mean "Platonic" a Platonic solid is a convex regular polyhedron. more at