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Central tendency is used with bidmodal distribution. This measure if dispersion is similar to the median of a set of data.?æ

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Q: What measure of dispersion is used with bimodal distribution?
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What are the dispersion agents?

Dispersion agents are substances used to prevent clumping or settling of particles in a suspension. They work by reducing the attractive forces between particles and promoting uniform distribution in the dispersion medium. Common dispersion agents include surfactants, polymers, and electrolytes.

What are measures of dispersion in healthcare?

It's a statistical tool used in psychology. A simple way of calculating the measure of dispersion is to calculate the range. The range is the difference between the smallest and largest value in a set of scores. This is a fairly crude measure of dispersion as any one high or low scale can distort the data. A more sophisticated measure of dispersion is the standard deviation which tells you how much on average scores differ from the mean.

What is the most commonly used measure of variability?

Standard deviation is a commonly used measure of the variability of a set of measurements.But that usually refers to a 'normal' distribution - an assumption that the results are distributed according to a 'normal' (Gaussian) curve. There are several other types of distribution, Poisson, Bernoulli, and others.It is important to note that the application of standard deviation becomes less and less useful as one approaches the extremes of the set of measurements.

What is dispersion process?

Dispersion is the process of breaking down a substance into smaller particles and dispersing them within a medium. This can involve methods like mixing, grinding, or milling to achieve a uniform distribution of particles. Dispersion is often used in industries such as paint, pharmaceuticals, and food processing to enhance product quality and performance.

What is Reciprocal Dispersion?

Reciprocal dispersion is a statistical measure used to assess the variability of values around their reciprocal. It is calculated by taking the reciprocal of each data point, calculating the variance of these values, and then obtaining the reciprocal of that variance. It is helpful in certain mathematical and statistical analyses to understand the dispersion of data.

What do you mean by radiation damping give the elementary theory of dispersion?

Radiation damping in relation to dispersion just means that radiation will loose its strength when it is dispersed in a liquid cooling bath which is used as a safety measure in nuclear energy production.

What are the Tools used in descriptive statistics?

frequency distribution regression analysis measure of central tendency

What is measure of variation?

A measure of variation, also called a measure of dispersion, is a type of measurement that details how a set of data is scattered from a central or neutral point of origin. Range, variance and standard deviation are three measures of variation that are commonly used.

What is a Moz measure?

Moz measure is a term used in statistics to represent the average of the absolute values of all the observations in a dataset. It helps provide a single value that summarizes the overall magnitude or dispersion of the data points.

Why are the measures of dispersion necessary to describe a set of data?

Sets of data have many characteristics. The central location (mean, median) is one measure. But you can have different data sets with the same mean. So a measure of dispersion is used to determine whether there is a little or a lot of variability within the set. Sometimes it is necessary to look at higher order measures like the skewness, kurtosis.

The Pearson's coefficient of skewness is a measure of distribution's symmetry?

It is a descriptive statistical measure used to measure the shape of the curve drawn from the frequency distribution or to measure the direction of variation. It is a measure of how far positively skewed (below the mean) or negatively skewed (above the mean) the majority (that's where the mode comes in) of the data lies. Useful when conducting a study using histograms. (mean - mode) / standard deviation. or [3(Mean-Median)]/Standard deviation

Which type of measure of dispersion is mostly used standard deviation or variance?

They are effectively the same but the standard deviation is more popular because the units of measurement are the same as those for the variable.