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Q: What molecule donates the second h plus and e plus to the electron transport chain?
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What are products of the electron transport chain in the second stage of celluar respiration?

34 adenosine triphosphate

What are the three stages of aerobic respiration?

The first stage is the break down of glucose. The second stage is the Krebs Cycle which breaks down the pyruvic acid. The third stage is the electron transport system which occurs in O2 and in the mitochondria.

What is the electronegativity of the oxygen atom to that of the other molecules within the electron transport chain?

Oxygen has the second highest electronegativity of any element, second only to fluorine. Since it would be unusual to have fluorine in the electron transport chain, we can safely expect that oxygen will have the highest electronegativity in the chain.

Why does fadh2 produce fewer ATP molecules than nadh?

NADH produces 3 ATPs because it donates the proton at a "higher" location in the electron transport chain than does FADH2, which is why FADH2 produce only 2 ATPs. NADH and FADH2 donates electrons and protons into the electron transport chain.

What is the role of ubiquinone in the electron transport chain?

Ubiquinone carries electrons from the first enzyme complex to the second enzyme complex

What is produced in the second phase of photosynthesis?

ATP and glucose.ATP and electron transport chainss

What stage of cellular respiration does not involve any carbon-based compounds as a reactant or product?

Photosynthesis comes in two stages, the first of which is light-dependent, while the second one is not. This second step takes the energy gained from the first step and uses it to create the sugars, the food for the plant.

What are the powerhouses of the cell becase they are the organelles in which the second stage of cellular respiration takes place?

They are the mitochondria. Electron transport chain and Kreb cycle take place there

What does FADH2 do in ETC?

FADH2 is an electron carrier similar to NADH, but only the second protein in the ETC accepts FADH2 electrons. So FADH2 is used in the ETC, but it produces less ATP due to it only entering the second protein in the ETC.

Which country donates most to charity?

The United States donates the most to charity. In 2006 Americans donated $34.8 billion dollars. The second highest country was Britain with $1.6 billion donated.

If an electron is in the second energy level in which type of orbitals could this electron be in?

If an electron is in the second principle energy level, that is, n = 2, then that electron could be in an s or p orbital.

The stages of aerobic respiration are?

First stage is Glycolysis pyruvate is then turned into Acetyl CoA and enters the Krebs Cycle Second stage is Krebs Cycle Third stage is Electron transport chain