The average moderately active person takes about 7500 steps a day. Assuming every day the person walks, an eighty year old person who began walking at one year of age, would have taken 216,262,500 steps in their lifetime
Let's see. We'll boil it down to a daily distance, and see whether it's reasonable.Let's say a 'lifetime' is 75 years, and a year is 365 days.100,000 miles / 75 years = about 1,333 miles per year.1,333 miles / 365 days = 3.66 miles per dayThat's certainly reasonable and 'doable'. Of course, a person would get lessdaily mileage in infancy and in old age, but in adulthood and throughout hisproductive years, he'd get a lot more.There's a current popular program for health and fitness that recommends you simplywalk 10,000 steps a day ... which is somewhere between 4.5 to 5.5 miles.
Ask the sales person!Ask the sales person!Ask the sales person!Ask the sales person!
Fibonacci is a good person, i meant he was a good person
Person A = 3 ft 9 inches = 45 inches Person B = 4 ft 5 inches = 53 inches Person B is 8 inches taller (53-45=8) than person A
dynamic character
dynamic character
Life lessons, values, and morals that shape a person's character and guide their decisions can last a lifetime. Additionally, memories of significant events or experiences can also stay with a person throughout their life.
The average person has 56 days off work in a lifetime.
A person produces exactly 37850 litres of saliva in their lifetime!
No, "lifetime" is not a preposition. It is a noun that refers to the duration of a person's life or existence.
People be SICK 15000 in a lifetime
Person has lifetime dowry to live in home on the property, but property is deeded to someone else. If the person with the lifetime dowry moves out of the home and then moves backs did they relinquish thier lifetime rights?
you are HOT type of person if your name begins with H......
Crabby is a term for a cranky person. It begins with the letters CR.