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The size of a boulder must be greater than 25.6 cm in diameter.

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Q: What must be the size of a boulder?
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Are meteors small?

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What are the different particle sizes that are transported?

Microscopic to boulder size particles are transported during erosion.

Grains larger than sand are classified as?

Gravel, cobble and boulder (in increasing order of size).

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Where is Dogondos cave at in Ocarina of Time?

Dodongo's Cavern is on Death Mountain Trail hidden behind a giant boulder. To remove the boulder you must obtain the Goron Bracelet from the goron leader Darmania. Then use it to grab a Bomb Flower outside the village and throw it down onto the boulder, behind the boulder is the entrance to Dodongo's Cavern.

Is picking up a boulder the same as picking up a pebble?

No, picking up a boulder is not the same as picking up a pebble. A boulder is much larger and heavier than a pebble, so it requires more strength and effort to lift. Additionally, the size and weight difference mean that the impact on your body is also greater when lifting a boulder compared to a pebble.

How many cities are named boulder city?

There are four towns by the name of Boulder in the US: Boulder, Colorado Boulder, Montana Boulder, Utah Boulder, Wyoming There are an additional three towns containing the word Boulder in the US: Boulder City, Nevada Boulder Creek, California Boulder Junction, Wisconsin

What change occurs in a boulder when it erodes into sand?

The boulder's size and shape change as it breaks down into smaller particles. The process of erosion gradually wears away the boulder's surface, breaking it apart into sand grains. This transformation involves physical and chemical weathering, which ultimately results in the boulder being transformed into sand.

What is needed to give a large boulder a large acceleration?

To give a large boulder a large acceleration, a significant force must be applied to overcome its inertia and resistance to motion. This force needs to be sustained over a period of time to accelerate the boulder to the desired speed. Additionally, reducing friction between the boulder and the surface it rests on can help facilitate its acceleration.

Is Boulder City in Colorado?

Boulder City is in Nevada. Boulder is in Colorado.