9 goes into 908 100 times with remainder 8.
A number is divisible by 9 if a whole number of 9s can go into it and leave no remainder.
910 ÷ 100 = 9 with remainder 10 or 9.1 times.
Are you looking for all such numbers? or just an example? Here is an example: start with 9*4 = 36 multiply by 100 to get: 9*4*100 = 3600 9*4*101 = 3636 ..
100 / 9 = 11 remainder 1
9.0909090909090909090909090909091 times
9 times with a remainder of 1
24 ÷ 15 = 1 with remainder 9
The largest remainder would be 8, because if it were 9 you could divide the number once more. The largest remainder you can have is always one less than what you're dividing by. So if you're dividing by 10, your largest remainder is 9. If you're dividing by 100, it's 99. And so on.