The LCM of both numbers is 60
The first number they both go into is 60. (Lowest Common Multiple = 60 = 12 X 5 & 15 X 4).
5 and 1 both go into 10 and 5.
3 Goes in to of 12 and 15 because 3 times 5 is 15 and 3 times 4 is 12!...So there u go...I hope I answered ir question!....Have a nice day! =)
The LCM of both numbers is 60
There is only one number that can go into both 5 and 6 evenly. That number is 1.
It is: 60
The first number they both go into is 60. (Lowest Common Multiple = 60 = 12 X 5 & 15 X 4).
they both go into 5. but to find it in simplest form do 5/875
5 and 1 both go into 10 and 5.
The number that can go into 6 and 10 are 1 2 5 and 10. The following list can be used to clarify this further: 1 can go into both 6 and 10 2 can go into both 6 and 10 5 can go into both 6 and 10 10 can go into both 6 and 10This means that the number that can go into 6 and 10 is 1 2 5 and 10.
No, it is already simplified. No whole number goes into both 5 and 12 except 1
3 Goes in to of 12 and 15 because 3 times 5 is 15 and 3 times 4 is 12!...So there u go...I hope I answered ir question!....Have a nice day! =)
1 and 5.