Millentinion, one thousand centillion
Hundred trillion and one comes next.
The next integer, after one hundred tredicillion, is one hundred tredicillion and one.
Number 191 (one hundred ninety-one) comes after 190 (one hundred ninety), but before 192 (one hundred ninety-two). The sequence is as follows: 190, 191, 192.
9 hundred 99 million and 1 (999000001) :) but you probably meant what comes after 9 hundred 99 million 9 hundred 99 thousand 9 hundred 99? (999999999) that would be 1 billion (1000000000)
Millentinion, one thousand centillion
Hundred trillion and one comes next.
After noncentillion comes decicentillion. In the short scale system, a centillion is equal to 10^303, and each successive -centillion represents another 303 zeros after the 1. Therefore, decicentillion would be 10^606.
The number that comes after five hundred and forty-one is five hundred and forty-two. It is simple mathematics. Five hundred and forty-one plus one equals five hundred and forty-two.
There is no number "a killion".
A thousand
One hundred trillion and one (100,000,000,000,001)
The next integer, after one hundred tredicillion, is one hundred tredicillion and one.
The number that comes after nine hundred and ninety-nine is one thousand. In numerical order, after reaching the highest single-digit number (9), the next number is ten (10), which is followed by the next hundred (100) and then the next thousand (1,000).
Number 191 (one hundred ninety-one) comes after 190 (one hundred ninety), but before 192 (one hundred ninety-two). The sequence is as follows: 190, 191, 192.