Millentinion, one thousand centillion
Hundred trillion and one comes next.
The next integer, after one hundred tredicillion, is one hundred tredicillion and one.
Number 191 (one hundred ninety-one) comes after 190 (one hundred ninety), but before 192 (one hundred ninety-two). The sequence is as follows: 190, 191, 192.
9 hundred 99 million and 1 (999000001) :) but you probably meant what comes after 9 hundred 99 million 9 hundred 99 thousand 9 hundred 99? (999999999) that would be 1 billion (1000000000)
Millentinion, one thousand centillion
Ah, what a lovely question! After centillion comes googol. Just imagine all those zeros stretching out like a beautiful landscape. Keep exploring the vast world of numbers, my friend, there's always more to discover.
Hundred trillion and one comes next.
After noncentillion comes decicentillion. In the short scale system, a centillion is equal to 10^303, and each successive -centillion represents another 303 zeros after the 1. Therefore, decicentillion would be 10^606.
The number that comes after five hundred and forty-one is five hundred and forty-two. It is simple mathematics. Five hundred and forty-one plus one equals five hundred and forty-two.
There is no number "a killion".
A thousand
One hundred trillion and one (100,000,000,000,001)
The number that comes after nine hundred and ninety-nine is one thousand. In numerical order, after reaching the highest single-digit number (9), the next number is ten (10), which is followed by the next hundred (100) and then the next thousand (1,000).
The next integer, after one hundred tredicillion, is one hundred tredicillion and one.
Number 191 (one hundred ninety-one) comes after 190 (one hundred ninety), but before 192 (one hundred ninety-two). The sequence is as follows: 190, 191, 192.