9 is an odd number but in decimal form you can use 4.5
The number that goes into both 9 and 5 is 1. This is because 1 is a factor of every integer, including 9 and 5. In other words, both 9 and 5 can be divided evenly by 1.
Seven and three are both prime numbers, therefore their only factors are one and itself. Nine's factors are 9,1, and 3. 3 Goes into 3 evenly, but doesnt go into 7 evenly. Therefore the only number that fits into 9, 7, and 3 evenly is 1. Hope this helps!
The LCM of the given numbers is 360
If the number were 3 more, it would have been evenly divisible by 7, 8 and 9.The GCF of 7, 8 and 9 is 504 so the required number is 501.
It is: 1
It is: 1
The number is 1.
Use Number sense Write 2 numbers that cannot be divided evenly by 8 or 9.
9 is an odd number but in decimal form you can use 4.5
3 and 1 will go into both number evenly leaving no remainders.
The number 1 is the only one.
Just 1.
1, 3, 9, 27.