

What number has 3 tens 2 ones?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What number has 3 tens 2 ones?
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3 tens is equal to the number 30, and 3 ones is equal to the number 3.So, 3 tens and 3 ones is 33; and 67 minus 33 (or 67 less33) is 34.You could also look at the number 67 and see that it is 6 tens and 7 ones. Then it is easier to say "6 tens and 7 ones minus 3 tens and 3 ones = 34"because:6 tens minus 3 tens = 3 tens, and 7 ones minus 3 ones = four ones.3 tens and four ones = 34

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That is basically asking what number goes 5-3-2. This is because 5 hundreds means 5 in the hundreds place, or 500. 3 tens is just saying 3 in the tens place, or 30. And 2 in the ones place is just says 2. Add them all together... 500+30+2=532

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"The hundreds and the ones are the same digit and their sum is 10" did you say ?Well then, the hundreds and ones digit are both 5.And the tens is 2 less than that, or 3.So the number is . . . . . 535

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3 more than 5 is 8, so the tens digit is 8. The tens digit is,double the number of the ones digit, so divide 8 by 2 and you get 4. If you double 4 it is 8 so, the number is 84.