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-- Any number less than -5 is a steeper line sloping down.

-- Any number greater than +5 is a steeper line sloping up.

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Q: What number if used as a slope would produce a graph steeper than the function y -5x?
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For a positive number, as the slope(y=mx+b where m is the slope) gets greater in value, the line gets steeper when plotted on a graph. For a negative number, as the slope(y=mx+b where m is the slope) gets greater in value, the line gets less steep when plotted on a graph.

Without graphing how can you tell which slope is steeper?

For a positive number, as the slope(y=mx+b where m is the slope) gets greater in value, the line gets steeper when plotted on a graph. For a negative number, as the slope(y=mx+b where m is the slope) gets greater in value, the line gets less steep when plotted on a graph.

When the value of the slope gets bigger the graph of a line does what?

It gets steeper.

Change in slope affects graph how?

makes line steeper or flatter

When measuring density what does a steeper line on your graph mean?

it is less dense

Multiplying by a negative number flips the graph of a function?

Yes it does

How does a graph line with steeper slope compare to one with a shallower slope?

The slope will tell you how much change of Y to X >.

How does a line graph with a steeper slope compare to one with a shallower slope?

The slope will tell you how much change of Y to X >.

How does a graph line with a steeper slope compared to one with a shallower slope?

The slope will tell you how much change of Y to X >.

How can you look at a graph determines when an object is moving faster?

You can determine when an object is moving faster by looking at the steeper slopes on the graph. Steeper slopes represent greater changes in speed over time, indicating faster motion. Additionally, peaks in the graph may represent moments of maximum speed.