

What number is 7 less than 4?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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I think that would be -3.

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3y ago

Im a teacher it is -3

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Q: What number is 7 less than 4?
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Let n be the number between 4 and 7 then the required expression is written:- 4 < n < 7 The symbol used is a "less than" symbol and the expression is 4 is less than n which is less than 7. When the arrowhead points to the right > then this is called a "greater than" symbol and we could put n > 4 and 7 > n.

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The absolute value of 4 over 7 is less than 1 and so there is no mixed number for it.

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3 is the greater number.... -4 is negative - and is 7 less than 3.

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Let the number be x and so the expression is: 4x -7

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7 less than a number is an algebraic expression. Given the number the expression can be evaluated. 7 is less than a number is a statement in the form of an inequality. It is true for some values of the number and not for others.

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41-- Less than 100-- 42 is the multiple of 7-- 4 + 1 = 5

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There are an infinite number of rational numbers that are greater than 7 but less than 8. Any fraction between those two numbers is a rational number, such as: 7 1/8, 7 1/4, 7 1/3, 7 1/2, or even numbers such as 7 4/784 or 7 452/453.

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