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'I' is the 9th letter in the alphabet.

'M' is the 13th letter in the alphabet.

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Q: What number is I and M in the alphabet?
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Related questions

What number is m in alphabet?

M is the thirteenth letter in the alphabet.

What number is m in the alphabet?

it is number 13

What letter in the English alphabet is after 'm'?

The alphabet has 26 letters. The letter "N" comes after the letter "M".The English alphabet, in order:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

Why is the slope is represented by m?

M is simply just a random number picked by math maticians. Almost the whole alphabet stands for something.

What is the middle letter of the alphabet?

k is the middle number n is the letter in the middle of the alphabet. M and N together are the middle of the alphabet. There are 26 letters; M is the 13th so it ends the first half, and N begins the second half.

Which two letters is the letter m situated between in the alphabet?

The letter that comes before the letter M is L. The letter that comes after M in the alphabet is N. Therefore, the letter M is situated between L and N in the alphabet.

What is m in numbers?

M is the thirteenth letter in the alphabet.

What does m mean in the phonetic alphabet?

M = "Mike"


in the English alphabet it is number 9

Is m a letter?

Yes, "m" (or M) is the 13th letter of the English alphabet.

What does the number 13 mean to a biker?

... the 13th letter of the alphabet is M Mary Jane... Grass. Marijuanna. ....The 13th letter of the Alphabet is M and to some bikers it means the wearer has Murdered. Depends on the person. More prominent in 1%er Clubs.

Why do bikers use the number 69 or 13?

The 13th letter of the alphabet is the letter M which stands for Marijuana. The number 69 represents the sexual position.