.184 is bigger than .05
.8 fluid ounce = .05 Pint or .10 Cups or .025 Quart
80= 2 / .025
You need at least two numbers to have a lowest.
It is probable the catalog number of a seller.
Answer: 5 is bigger than 0.05.
025 is as 25 being greater than 5 by 20.
A Bigger Bang was created on 2005-09-05.
It is: .025 times 80 = 2
250,250,250,250...? Technically, no, because any number that repeats itself, whether it is a decimal or not, is irrational.
I assume you mean 5 and 025 (but I'll answer for.025 also). 5 milligrams is larger than 0.025mg. However 5mg is smaller than 025 milligrams.