When a number is divided by 32 what is the greatest value the remainder may have
0.2 is the closest that you will get. The nearest integer, though, is 0.
The closest without going over 1000 is 961, which is the square of 31. The closest by going over 1000 is 1024, which is the square of 32.
The sum of the prime factors of 6 is closest in value to the composite number 6.
When a number is divided by 32 what is the greatest value the remainder may have
0.2 is the closest that you will get. The nearest integer, though, is 0.
The closest without going over 1000 is 961, which is the square of 31. The closest by going over 1000 is 1024, which is the square of 32.
It is 0.2
It is exactly 18.
No such model number.
Well, darling, the number closest to 0.1 is 0.1 itself. I mean, come on, it's right there next to it on the number line. But hey, if you want to get technical, 0.09 and 0.11 are the next closest numbers, so take your pick.