Well, darling, the number halfway between 1000 and 5000 is 3000. It's not rocket science, just basic math. So, there you have it, 3000 is the magic number you're looking for.
name factors pairs between 3000 and 5000
(4000 + 5000) / 2 = 4500
Well, darling, the number halfway between 1000 and 5000 is 3000. It's not rocket science, just basic math. So, there you have it, 3000 is the magic number you're looking for.
name factors pairs between 3000 and 5000
200 and 20
Anywhere between $3000 AND $5000
The ratio of 5000 to 3000 is 5:3.
Oh, dude, halfway between 2500 and 5000 is 3750. It's like, you take the average of the two numbers, which is 3750. So if you were looking for the perfect spot to meet your friend who lives at 2500 and another friend who lives at 5000, you'd be chilling at 3750.
(4000 + 5000) / 2 = 4500
Probably somewhere between 3000-5000