It is: 20,000 -100 = 19,900
That would be 99,999. It is written out as ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred ninety-nine.
Well, honey, one less than twenty thousand is nineteen thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine. It's not rocket science, just basic math. So, there you have it, simple as pie.
Very simply imagined by asking how many times a hundred will go into a thousand. If you find that the answer is ten then you can say that one hundred is ten times less than one thousand. (1000÷100=10)
It is 700,000. Since the number in the tens place is less than 5, round down to 700,000.
eleven thousand.
It is: 20,000 -100 = 19,900
hundred thousands
A number 100 less than a hundred thousand is 99,900. This is calculated by subtracting 100 from 100,000, resulting in 99,900. The difference between the two numbers is 100.
One hundred-thousand, minus one hundred equals ninety-nine thousand nine-hundred (99,900).
The number 100 is ten times less than 1000.
That would be 99,999. It is written out as ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred ninety-nine.
It is: 300,000 because 10,000 is less than 50,000
find the hundred thousand place, the 1 Because the next place, 3, is less than 5, the rounded number is 100,000
When rounding 200,000 to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, or hundred thousand, the number remains the same as 200,000. This is because the last three digits are less than 500, so the digit in the ten-thousands place remains unchanged.