Additive opposite = -659
Multiplicative opposite = 1/659 = 0.001517 (approx)
The opposite of an even number is an odd number.
The opposite of 0.1 is -0.1. In mathematics, the opposite of a number is the number that, when added to the original number, equals zero. Since 0.1 is a positive number, its opposite would be a negative number with the same magnitude but in the opposite direction on the number line.
In number systems , the opposite of the number can be represented by changing and reversing the sign of the number. If 0.93 is the number then the opposite of the number would be -0.93
On a die, the number opposite 4 is 3.
The additive opposite is, but not the multiplicative opposite.The additive opposite is, but not the multiplicative opposite.The additive opposite is, but not the multiplicative opposite.The additive opposite is, but not the multiplicative opposite.
Infinitely many Numbers. EDIT: Every number below 659 will be smaller than 659.
Yes. It has no factors.
It could be: 6*(4+659)
It is prime, it has no factors.
3 and 659/1000
The phone number of the Kinsley is: 620-659-3341.
(201) 659-3671 Carlo's Bakery
635 over 96 as a mixed number = 659/96