to convert 1.6 to a percent move the decimal point to the right twice 160% or multiply 1.6 x 100 = 160%
Half of 160 is 80
Twice a number means to multiply the number by 2
37+39+41+43= 160
128 = N - 0.20N; 128 = .80N; N = 160
It is: 2*80 = 160
The number 160
160 is an even number and so there are no odd number in it.
The number 160 in binary is 10100000
7% of 160= 7% * 160= 0.07 * 160= 11.2%
If you mean 25% then the number is 160 because 25% of 160 = 40
87.5% of 160 is a number.
a birthmark shaped in the number 160
compositeYes 160 is a composite number
152 is 160% of 95