What number sentence completes t he fact family
this is when there are the same digit numbers in the sentence
IT does because the other two sentences are impossible.
the fact family is 3 because 3 goes into all of them
There are only two numbers in that case. For example 5 x 5 = 25 and 25/5 = 5. The fact family has only two sentences. Now from the equation it indicates that the product of the same numbers gives the dividend or dividend divided by divisor is the same number as the divisor since there are only two numbers in the fact family.
fact family are related facts Number family are related numbers
8-5=3 2+3=5
A sentence using the word "alluding" would be: She was alluding to the fact that the family was new in town.
A division sentence is a number sentence. The sentence is used to express a division fact such as six divided by three equals two.
7 is an odd number 7 is a rational number 7 is a prime number
The man is in fact respected in the family precisely because of the sacerdotal function that he fulfills
The number in 2ft is 2. The fact you would use is probably 1 + 1 = 2.
a sentence that tells a fact is a declarative sentence