Rounded to three decimal places, 3751/3 = 7.211
Therefore, 7.211 cubed is approximately 375.
Any number to the power 1 is that number, thus 375^1 = 375.
375/1 does.
375 gm equals 1.650 cups
The answer depends on what measure - volume, surface area - equals 375.
3.75 m = 375 cm (375/100)
It can be: 6 times 62.5 = 375
It is: 20% of 1875 = 375.
It is 415 plus 375 equals 790
In math "of" means multiplication(*), "is" means equals(=), and "what number" can be described as a variable such as "X". Also 37.5 percent written as a decimal is .375 thus you can write this equation as: .375*X=8.13 --> then you must solve for X to find the number. To solve for X you must divide both sides by .375. Thus your answer comes out to be (8.13/.375) which is equal to 21.68
375 divided by 125 equals 3.