A number divisible by 123456789 must be 0 or bigger than 123456789. It must, therefore have 1 digit or 9 digits (or more). A remainder of 1 makes no difference to the number of digits. In any case, there can be no number of 4 digits that is divisible by 123456789.
Put the numbers in size order. The range is the biggest number minus/take away the smallest number. 123456789, in this case it is 8. GET IT?
96 !
123456789 + 123456789 = 246913578
2520, for one.
A number divisible by 123456789 must be 0 or bigger than 123456789. It must, therefore have 1 digit or 9 digits (or more). A remainder of 1 makes no difference to the number of digits. In any case, there can be no number of 4 digits that is divisible by 123456789.
Put the numbers in size order. The range is the biggest number minus/take away the smallest number. 123456789, in this case it is 8. GET IT?
No. A prime number has only 2 divisors, the number 1 and itself. 123456789 is also divisible by 3 so it is therefore NOT a prime number.