8 X 11
The range of these numbers is equal to 88 - 79 = 9.
When you multiply numbers, you get their product.
1 x 88, 2 x 44, 4 x 22, 8 x 11
The range of these numbers is equal to 88 - 79 = 9.
Multiply 88 by .70 to find the answer. (88 x .70 = 61.6)
8 is 2*2*2 11 is 11 No common factors are present, so you multiply the two numbers: 88.
63% To do it, divide 56 by 88, then multiply by 100
When you multiply numbers, you get their product.
To get the answer to this problem all you have to do is multiply 88 by 0.6. This turns out to be 52.8