The GCF is 17.
If you add numbers together to equal 153, they could be 1 + 152, 2 + 151, 3 + 150, etc. If you multiply two numbers to equal 153, the numbers are 3 X 51, 9 X 17 and 1 X 153.
The numbers are: (3 +square root of 153) and (3 -square root of 153)
153 / 9 = 17
how many hundreds multiplied by 9 can fit into 153
They are: 1 and 51
The only common factor is one.
The GCF is 17.
The sum of the first 153 odd numbers is 23,409.
1 and 153
If you add numbers together to equal 153, they could be 1 + 152, 2 + 151, 3 + 150, etc. If you multiply two numbers to equal 153, the numbers are 3 X 51, 9 X 17 and 1 X 153.
3 x 51 = 153
The numbers are: (3 +square root of 153) and (3 -square root of 153)
3 can go into 153. :)
They can both go into 153 evenly 153/9 =17 153/17=9
There cannot be common factors of just one number. To be common there need to be at least two numbers.
Hit it shawty