Well, isn't that a happy little question! In 564, there are 5 hundreds. Each digit's place value tells us how many hundreds, tens, and ones there are. So, in this case, the 5 in the hundreds place tells us there are 5 hundreds in 564.
There are 2 tenths in 6.25.. The 6 is in the ones column, the 2 is in the tenths column and the 5 is in the hundredths column.. (There's a difference between tens/tenths and hundreds/hundredths)
Oh, dude, it's like elementary school all over again! So, to write 2 ones and 5 hundreds in decimals, you'd just put the 5 in the hundredths place and the 2 in the ones place. So, it would be 2.05. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!
As spelled 300.0 However, if you means 'Hundredths'. then it is 0.03 NB Note the suffix '-ths'. This suffix is good for all decimal places/numbers.
Place value does not end, just like numbers. There are ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and in the opposite direction there are tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc.
Well, isn't that a happy little question! In 564, there are 5 hundreds. Each digit's place value tells us how many hundreds, tens, and ones there are. So, in this case, the 5 in the hundreds place tells us there are 5 hundreds in 564.
7 ten thousands 9 hundredths 3 ones 6 hundreds 7 tens = 71,573
It is 1,457.93