The pairs of positive integer factors of 245 are:
1 x 245
5 x 49
7 x 35
You can multiply any numbers together.
multiply the numerators (top numbers) together then multiply the denominators (lower numbers) together
Two numbers that you can multiply together to get 72 are: 36 and 2.
7 × 7 × 5 = 245
49 x 5 = 245.
How about: 1*5*7*7 = 245
As a product of its prime factors: 5*7*7 = 245
There are infinitely many pairs. Two possibilities are: 1 * 245 10 * 24.5
You can multiply any numbers together.
5, 7 and 7
As a product of its prime factors: 5*7*7 = 245
multiply the numerators (top numbers) together then multiply the denominators (lower numbers) together