rectangular prism
An object with 2 congruent pentagons at opposite ends connected with 5 rectangles is a pentagonal prism.
A pentagonal prism.
a cube
A triangular prism.
rectangular prism
There is no such object.
A prism *always* has 2 bases. In case you meant "faces" instead of "bases", the prism with the smallest number of faces is the triangular prism - which has 5 faces. If there were any fewer number of faces, the prism which become a two dimensional object.
An object with 2 congruent pentagons at opposite ends connected with 5 rectangles is a pentagonal prism.
A pentagonal prism has 7 sides : 5 side faces and 2 bases.However, if all sides of the prism are considered faces, a shape with5 total faces including the 2 bases is a triangular prism.
Triangular prism
triangular prism
A pentagonal prism
A triangular prism
Technically, the bases are also considered faces, however, seeing what you mean, you are looking for a triangular prism.5 faces (2 bases, 3 faces)6 vertices.9 edges.V - E + F = X,6 - 9 + 5 = 2, which confirms the Euler Characteristic.