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something eacual 120 on the 4 times table

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Q: What objects are shaped like an equilateral triangle in nature?
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What objects are shaped like pyramids?

the pyramidsthe object that is shaped like a pyramid is/are paper folded by triangle and the shape that is like the shape of an pyramid is triangle.

What is a black triangle?

A black triangle is one of a class of triangle-shaped unidentified flying objects, typically with a light in each corner.

What is a tetrahedron shaped dice?

A tetrahedral die (not dice!) is a triangle-based pyramid, whose four faces are equilateral triangles.

What objects are shape like a pyramid?

Objects that are shaped like a pyramid have a polygonal base, typically a triangle, that narrows to a single point called the apex. Common examples of pyramid-shaped objects include the Great Pyramid of Giza, a pyramid-shaped building or structure, and a pyramid-shaped mountain or hill. In geometry, a pyramid is a polyhedron formed by connecting a polygonal base and the apex with triangular faces.

How do you solve the puzzle in birth island?

You must quickly grasp objects that shaped triangle, if not it will come back to the middle

What color is a triangle shaped daymark?

Red is the color of a triangle shaped daymark.

When was symmetry invented?

Symmetry was not actually invented. It was just defined after the observation of similarly figured and shaped objects in nature.

What are Aliens plus U.F.O?

Aliens are alleged beings from another planet and they fly in these disc shaped or triangle shaped objects in the sky, known as UFOS- (Unidentified Flying Objects). A lot of people don't believe in these aliens but I do. The evidence is all around.......

What does regular polygon mean in math?

A regular polygon means a shape that has all equal lengths and angles. A couple examples are a square, an equilateral triangle, and a octagon shaped like a stop sign.

What is an organ in your bodies that is shaped like a triangle?

The organ that is shaped like a triangle is the LIVER.

What is something shaped like a triangle?

A triangle!

What is the Bermuda triangle shaped like?

a triangle.