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(5 x 6) + (2 x 6) = 7 x 6 = 42

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Q: What of the following shows 30 12 rewritten using the distributive property and the greatest common factor of the addends?
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What property was use to rewrite 9x2plus9x3?

The property used to rewrite 9x2 + 9x3 is the Distributive Property. Using the Distributive Property the expression can be rewritten as 9x2 + 9x2 + 9x2 or 27x2.

How can the expression 540 plus 7 be rewritten using distributive property?

It cannot be, unless you use extremely complicated fractions.

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The GCF is 16.

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The GCF of 24 and 30 is 6. The distributive property states that 24 x 30 = (20 x 30) + (4 x 30)

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The distributive property is a characteristic that two mathematical operators may have. Numbers do not have a distributive property.

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Numbers do not have a distributive property. The distributive property is an attribute of one arithmetical operation over another. The main example is the distributive property of multiplication over addition.

What is a distributive property of 7 x 23?

This is a common early math question which is attempting to teach "quick math".7 x 23 can be described with the distributive property because 23 can be rewritten as "20 + 3"This means that 7 x 23 can be rewritten as 7 x (20 + 3)THE 7 DISTRIBUTES TO EACH NUMBER AND MULTIPLIES(7 x 20)+(7 x 3) --> 140 + 21 = 161

How do you do do distributive property?

The distributive property applies to two binary operations, not to an individual number. It is therefore, impossible to make "786 distributive property".

How do you use the distributive property to show the greatest common factor of 24 plus 64?

The GCF of 24 and 64 is 8. You use the distributive property to show another way to write the sum. 8(3 + 8)

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