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Q: What operation in math is the opposite of multiplication?
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What in math is the opposite operation of division?


In math what are opposite operations?

Some examples will provide a better understanding than a definition. We say addition is the opposite operation of subtraction and subtraction is the opposite operation of division. Also multiplication is the opposite operation of division and division is the opposite of multiplication. examples:5+5=10 10-5=5 <-- opposite operation

Is division the opposite of multiplication?

it is the inverse operation

What is the opposite of multiplication?

The opppsite operation of multiplication of division; and vice versa.

What the basic operation?

math addition subtracion multiplication

Multiplication is the what of division?

the in verse operation or the opposite operation. operation as in add subtract divide multiply

What are the fundamental operation of math?

the fundamental operations in math are, addition +, subtraction -, division /,and multiplication x ..

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What is the inverse of multiplication in math?

An inverse in mathematics is like saying "opposite" in everyday language. Therefore, the opposite of multiplication is division.

Multiplication is the opposite or what of a division problem and gt?

Multiplication is the inverse operation of division when the latter is defined.

Why is division opposite of multiplication?

Because mathematically it's the inverse operation, the same way that subtraction is the "opposite" (inverse operation) of addition.

What does the four basic math operation mean in a math term?

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.